September 11th America reeling. Thats what Ill remember of September 11th . When two planes smashed into the WTC, it sent a message. It just wasnt the message that the planner of this act wanted to send. It sent a very clear message on two levels. Firstly, America was under attack by person or persons unknown. Secondly those persons were cowards. This was no honourable strike against oppression, no blow for freedom. This was a callous disregard for human life. This was spitting in the face of everyone who thinks we live in a civilized society and America recognised it as such. There has been a lot of opinion talked about Islam in recent weeks. Lets have a few facts shall we? There was no justification for this act of barbarity in Islam, no matter how you twist the texts. Islam is, by and large, a peaceful religion which espouses brotherhood. Jihad, according to a Muslim friend of mine, does not mean holy war, it simply means struggle. Recently, there have been several attacks on Muslims for the simple crime of being Muslims. Those who know me will tell you that I consider organized religion the greatest modern evil. Theyre right, I do but if we allow ourselves to attack others purely for their difference, we become no better than the terrorists. Now, the strike back has begun. Day after day, night after night, bombs rain down on Afghanistan. We still arent sure if Osama Bin Laden was responsible for the attack on the WTC but, if this is the start of an anti-terror campaign, the man has committed enough crimes against humanity for it not to matter. The Afghani people on the other hand have done nothing. Some will point to the pictures of Afghani people celebrating when America was attacked as justification for this. Unfortunately, the Afghani people are like any other, they believe what they are told. If you have been raised, almost from birth, to believe that the USA is the seat of evil on the planet, then you too would likely believe it. Their celebration, and that of those around the world in similar positions, was simply another example of that flaw. Very nearly as evil and just as dangerous are those church men who almost immediately began attempting to lay the blame at the feet of homosexuals and pro-choicers. What makes these men so dangerous is that people actually listen to and believe them. Scum, evil incarnate and inhuman monsters? Oh yes.